341: Too Late for Jenkins?

23 January 2019

Mike and Wes are back to debate the state of developer tools and ask where Jenkins fits in 2019.

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  • Dokku — A docker-powered PaaS that helps you build and manage the lifecycle of applications.
  • Jenkins — The leading open source automation server, Jenkins provides hundreds of plugins to support building, deploying and automating any project.
  • Jenkins Evergreen — Evergreen is an automatically updating rolling distribution system for Jenkins. It consists of server-side, and client-side components to support a Chrome-like upgrade experience for Jenkins users.
  • Jenkins Blue Ocean — Blue Ocean is a project that rethinks the user experience of Jenkins, modelling and presenting the process of software delivery by surfacing information that’s important to development teams with as few clicks as possible.
  • Introducing Jenkins X — Jenkins X automates CI/CD and DevOps best practices for you.
  • Jenkins Helm Chart — Jenkins master and slave cluster utilizing the Jenkins Kubernetes plugin.
  • Jenkins Chef Cookbook — Installs and configures Jenkins CI master & node slaves. Resource providers to support automation via jenkins-cli, including job create/update.
  • Why on earth did we choose Jenkins for 2019? — This article tries to explain why the hell Rookout, a relatively new SaaS company, chose to use Jenkins, and what the big advantages are that make Jenkins so great even now, eight years in.
  • Linux Academy Certified Jenkins Engineer — Learn CI/CD concepts as well as Jenkins installation and functionality. Plus best practices for CD pipelines as well as Jenkin’s security.
  • ‘Mad Botter’ takes ‘MacGyver’ approach to tech sales — The Plant City-based company turns run-of-the-mill consumer electronics into devices capable of being deployed for use in advanced military applications, such as fighter jets.